Ho’o Ku’u – Just Let It Go!

Second Meeting of Huna is coming up!
If this group is anything like the last group, it promises to be spectacular. I know some of you are returning and there are some new people joining us. I’m overwhelmed by the excitement, enthusiasm, and interest. We will be in a new location, the Walter Art Gallery. Here we will have more room and the ability to have quiet for our work and meditation.
Let me ask you, have you ever had an emotional reaction to a thought or experience that stops you in your tracks? You find that you just can’t get past it. Stuck! We all do. . These negative emotions can block us from having what we want or doing something we want to do. When these emotions are so intense they cause us to “freeze” and fixate on the emotion instead of getting on to the next thing. Well, there are ways to let go of these debilitating and limiting reactions; it is called Ho’o Ku’u. Actually it kind of fun to do once you realize how easy it is to just let these things go from your thinking and life.
Saturday we will use this process to release something you want to let go of. We usually practice with a negative emotion that comes with a thought/s or experience/s. The good part is we don’t have to share what it is. LOL! Don’t worry, I’ll explain the whole process and then guide you all through it. The magic for the Hawaiians and secret to their success was ENERGY. Some of you may be familiar with Neurolinguistic Programming, NLP, techniques which have a similar process, and also gets fantastic results. But the Hawaiians were practical; they wanted something fast and powerful so they used what they were familiar with and very adept at. Why spend the day thinking about something when you can use energy, be done with it and go surfing or fishing?
It’s going to be fun. So remember if you bring a friend you both get a $5 discount. Bring some snacks you want to eat. I’ll have coffee, hot tea, and water available for you. So, bring something you want to release or let go of, bring a friend, and be ready to have some fun.
Aloha, Donna